Sunday, April 26, 2009

Coffee with the Dizzle

So this is my first ever blog, and I am confused about what I am doing!...

I had a conversation with a 'blogg master' once, and she tried to explain to me what a blogg meant... She went on telling me that it is kind of like a diary of what you are thinking, but if it is like a diary why is it posted where anyone in the world can see it!?
So it's a diary but it's not, I guess I can live with that, but where I get confused is when you ask a question in your blogg... Asking a question, if not rhetorical, ruins the entire blogg experience. Once that question is answered then your blogg becomes a forum, and well, I HATE FORUMS!!!


  1. Oh, you have much to learn, young blogger.

    And I'm linking you.

  2. Haha oh Shaun.
    I knew you would cave in and finally get a blog!
    Im linking you as well.
